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A Astralis continuará a dominar o CS:GO?

Última atualização em 16 de maio de 2021 às 16h39 por

&lt;wpparagraph&gt; <p>One of the most important and most followed organizations in the world of electronic sports <strong>Astralis<strong> is a company or organization of Danish origin that has been in charge of raising us more than once from our chairs for its impressive performances in the different tournaments held at the level worldwide whether in person LAN or Online <p> &lt;wpparagraph&gt; &lt;wpparagraph&gt; <p>That is why if you are a lover of <strong>Esportes<strong> and especially <strong>CS GO<strong> you are largely a lover of <strong>Astralis<strong> since the Danish team is already considered by many experts in the field as one of the best electronic sports teams that have existed in all history this after a dream 2018 obtained by them<p> &lt;wpparagraph&gt; &lt;wpparagraph&gt; <p><strong>Astralis<strong> current roster is as follows<p> &lt;wpparagraph&gt; &lt;wpshortcode&gt; wpdatatable id=19 &lt;wpshortcode&gt; &lt;wpparagraph&gt; <p><strong><em>Melhores momentos da história da Astralis<em><strong><p> &lt;wpparagraph&gt; &lt;wplist&gt; <ul><li>Foi eleita a melhor equipe do ano no <strong>PRÊMIOS ESPORTIVOS<strong> held in 2018<li><li>Has the record for the most Majors won in the history of Counter Strike Global Offensive with 4 <strong>ELEAGUE Atlanta 2017 FACEIT London 2018 IEM Katowice 2019 and StarLadder Berlin 2019<strong><li><li>Quando eles ganharam o <strong>2019 IEM Katowice Major<strong> they were the third team to achieve 3 Majors in a row preceded by the iconic <strong>Fnatic Luminosity Gaming and SK Gaming<strong><li><li>É o único time da história a vencer um <strong>Principal<strong> sem perder um único mapa no <strong>Jogos decisivos<strong> phase they did it three times at <strong>StarLadder Berlin 2019 FACEIT London 2018 and IEM Katowice 2019<strong><li><li>Teve a maior sequência de vitórias do <strong>Arma nuclear<strong> map which lasted more than 1 year and 31 games on <strong>LAN<strong> This streak was from February 2018 to May 2019 being defeated by <strong>ENCE<strong> no <strong>BLAST Pro Series Madrid 2019<strong><li><li>It is the team that has lasted the longest as 1 in the ranking generated by <strong>hltvorg<strong> com duração de 406 dias e foi destronado por <strong>Equipe Líquida<strong> in June 2019<li><li>É o único time da história em que os 5 jogadores ativos do elenco estão entre os 20 melhores jogadores do ano segundo <strong>hltvorg<strong> the roster was <strong>dispositivo1ce<strong> <strong>dupreeh Xyp9x gla1ve and Magisk<strong><li><ul> &lt;wplist&gt; &lt;wpparagraph&gt; <p><strong>Astralis<strong> vem de ter um excelente histórico desde 2016 e principalmente em 2018, quando se estabeleceram como os melhores <strong>CS GO<strong> team in the world when they won all the competitions they played in that year The Danes have roughly $ 9 million in prize money<p> &lt;wpparagraph&gt; &lt;wpparagraph&gt; <p><strong>Astralis<strong> último jogo foi no <strong>Suporte superior<strong> de <strong>Flashpoint Temporada 3<strong> onde eles bateram <strong>OG<strong> with a 2 0 run with results 22 19 <strong>Inferno<strong> and 16 11 <strong>Arma nuclear<strong> respectively<p> &lt;wpparagraph&gt; &lt;wpparagraph&gt; <p>A próxima partida para <strong>Astralis<strong> corresponde à 2ª rodada do <strong>Suporte superior<strong> de <strong>Flashpoint Temporada 3<strong> e eles enfrentarão os franceses de <strong>Pônei Duplo<strong> this Wednesday May 19 2021<p> &lt;wpparagraph&gt; &lt;wpparagraph&gt; <p><strong>Dados importantes do próximo jogo do Astralis<strong><p> &lt;wpparagraph&gt; &lt;wplist&gt; <ul><li><strong><em>Quando é <em><strong><em>The game will be on Wednesday May 19 2021<em><li><li><strong><em>Que horas são <em><strong><em>The game starts at 1200 hours ET<em><li><li><strong><em>Onde <em><strong><em>ON-LINE<em><li><li><strong><em>Onde posso ver isso<em><strong><em> <em><em>Official Flashpoint Streaming Channels<em><li><ul> &lt;wplist&gt; &lt;wpparagraph&gt; <p><strong>Betting line for Astralis vs Double Poney Flashpoint Season 3<strong><p> &lt;wpparagraph&gt; &lt;wpparagraph&gt; <p>O nível de ambas as equipes é conhecido por todos <strong>Esportes<strong> fans The French of <strong>Pônei Duplo<strong> acabaram de perder sua estrela <strong>NBK<strong> since he joined <strong>OG<strong> days ago while <strong>Astralis<strong> despite having lost <strong>dispositivo1ce<strong> nas últimas semanas devido à sua incorporação ao <strong>BELISCAR<strong> comes with almost the same roster therefore the winner token in this match without any doubt is for <strong>Astralis<strong><p> &lt;wpparagraph&gt; &lt;wplist&gt; <ul><li><strong>Linha de dinheiro <em> 526 <em><strong><strong><em>Astralis <em><strong><strong><em> +295 <em><strong><strong><em>Pônei Duplo<em><strong><li><ul> &lt;wplist&gt;

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